The Importance of Hospitality in Christian Life and The Necessity of Listening to God Before Acting
Today is another wonderful day for us at St. Joseph the Worker Parish. we had a wonderful Sunday Celebration. Well, it has been really quite a long time since we share on the parish page and I am happy to be back again for sharing. “The central themes of today’s readings are the importance of hospitality in Christian life and the necessity of listening to God before acting”. The key to the Christian life is setting priorities: Jesus Christ first, then everything else.
Today’s first reading (Genesis 18:1-10) describes the generosity of Abraham and Sarah that was rewarded by God, who blessed them with a son in their old age (values: Faith, Hope, and Love). In the second reading (Colossians 1: 24-28), St. Paul invites believers to open their hearts and minds and to show their hospitality to Christ through the people we meet in our daily life.
The Lord Jesus wants to visit us individually, our families, our communities, and our countries. But he wants to be invited through prayers, listening to the word of God, and celebration and reception of the Holy Eucharist. The lord will be our permeant guest when we keep away from sins.
We need to recharge our spiritual batteries: by setting aside time for Jesus and people on Sundays to listen to Him first so that we can be able to listen to the people. We may also recharge our spiritual energy by means of our personal and family prayers, our reading of the Bible, and our participation in the celebration of the Holy Mass.
have a blessed week.