To the faithful of St. Joseph Parish and our friends
Wau – December 8, 2021
The feast of the immaculate conception of BVM is a reminder to all of us:
- to seek God’s will
- to live a holy life
- to imitate her virtues
- to choose God at each moment
- to remember that we are not alone, we have a mother, who cares, loves, and intercedes for us.
life message
- we are invited to live HOLY LIFE: think well of all, speak well of all and do good to all.
- live HUMBLE LIFE: give God first place in your thoughts, word, and deeds; give people second place in your life and give yourselves a third-place
- live DEDICATED LIFE: be faithful in your vocation, be committed in your vocation, be honest and trustworthy in your life and vocation. May God through the intercession of Bless Virgin Mary bless us with good health, and wisdom to live our Christian vocation faithfully, humbly daily